Spirit – Listen to music that rejoices the soul. Uncover the beauty of the spoken word from the imaginations of poets reknown and unknown.
Humor – Laughter is good, like a medicine. Stay healthy by cracking your side. Chuckle, cackle, and quake about the bumps, slumps, and thumps that are part of growing as you live your life.
Excellence – When you know better you can do better. Indulge in the information age. You will acquire a wealth of knowledge on a broad range of topics that we hope will help you excel in your life’s pursuits.


SHE -- SisterHood Entertainment is the newest television network for women. It is designed to meet you right where you are and inspire you as a woman to pursue your highest destiny. It’s about empowering ourselves for life’s journey.

SisterHood Entertainment will include inspirational programming, side-aching humor, and information on topics designed to help develop women who possess excellence in areas ranging from A-Z. SHE’s programming will bring about positive results that will change our lives and ultimately improve the quality of our communities.
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